Bylaws - Amendments

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Updated Weds, Apr 23, 2008. Questions? Contact me at ""

Proposed 2008 Amendment

Section 1 - Representatives

The OHSWPC Board of Directors, other then the Officials' Representative, shall be selected as District Representatives.

Section 2 - Districts

a) Districts include OHSWPC member schools organized per OSAA's regular or special districts.

b) The District Director shall be an Athletic Director, Activity Director, or appropriate Administrator from an OHSWPC member school in that district. (was just Athletic Director)

Section 3 - Elections

a) Each district shall select their representative prior to, or near the beginning of, the OHSWPC annual meeting. The method of selection and term of service of their representative is at the discretion of the individual governing district.

b) The OHSWPC President shall be elected, from these district representatives, by a majority of the membership, at the annual meeting. This election shall take place in even numbered years or whenever a Presidential vacancy has occurred.

c) All other OHSWPC Officers shall be elected from these district representatives, by the new OHSWPC Board of Directors, before the conclusion of the OHSWPC annual meeting.

d) A seperate OHSWPC Vice-President shall be elected for each classification tournament. The OHSWPC Board of Directors shall decide their order of succession.

Section 4 - Classification Sub-Committees

a) Each Vice-President shall chair a sub-committee of their classification's district representatives. Additionally, the OHSWPC President shall be a member of any and all classification sub-committees.

b) Each Vice-President and classification sub-committee shall take up issues related to their classification's state tournament.

Section 5 - Board Decisions

All Board of Directors decisions must be approved by two-thirds of all its Board members.